Dainese Elisa, The Construction of the Charter of ‘Habitat’: From the Functional City to the African Village / La Costruzione della Carta dell’Habitat: Dalla Città Funzionale al Villaggio Africano (Rome: Bruno Zevi Foundation, 2018) (short book in English/Italian).
Dainese, E., Staničić, A., War Diaries: Design after the Destruction of Art and Architecture (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2022). View the publication
Dainese Elisa, “Postwar Connections and Transatlantic Encounters: The Mozambique-Brazil-Portugal Triangle”, in Fernando Luiz Lara (ed.), Decolonizing the Spatial History of the Americas (Austin: The University of Texas Press & CAAD, 2021), 90-101 (ISBN: 978-0934951357). View the publication
Dainese Elisa, “From the Functional City to the African Village”, Bauhaus 12, Special Issue on Habitat (Dec 2020): Foundation Bauhaus Dessau View the issue
Dainese Elisa, “Von der funktionalen Stadt zum afrikanischen Dorf”, Bauhaus 12, Special Issue on Habitat (Dec 2020): Foundation Bauhaus Dessau
Dainese Elisa, “The Relocation of the Indigenous Community of South Indian Lake (1966-68): For an Alternative and Shared Inhabitation of Modern Architectural History” Thresholds 48, Special issue on Kin (Spring 2020): 86-101 (ISSN: 1091-711X, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/thld_a_00713) View the article
Dainese Elisa, “Protest Movements and University Curricula: Fascinations and Epistemological Research” in Anne Debarre, Caroline Maniaque, Éléonore Marantz and Jean-Louis Violeau (eds.), Architecture 68. International Panorama of the Renewal of Education (Geneva, CH: Metis Presses, 2020), 161-172 (ISBN: 978-2-940563-64-7). View the publication
Dainese Elisa, “Mouvements contestataires et cursus universitaires: Fascination pour l’Afrique et recherche épistémologique” in Anne Debarre, Caroline Maniaque, Éléonore Marantz and Jean-Louis Violeau (eds.), Architecture 68. Panorama international des renouveaux pédagogiques (Geneva, CH: Metis Presses, 2020), 161-172 (ISBN: 978-2-940563-64-7).
Dainese Elisa, “Against a Theory of Walls: On Architectural Criticism and Decolonization” in Joseph Bedford (ed.), Theory’s Curriculum(The Architecture Exchange Press, 2021), 85-97 (ISBN: 978-0998375021). View the publication
Dainese Elisa, “From the Charter of Athens to the ‘Habitat’: CIAM 9 and the African Grids” Journal of Architecture, vol. 24 no.3, (June 2019): 301-324 (ISNN: 1360-2365, DOI: 10.1080/13602365.2019.1606025) View the article
Dainese Elisa, “African Design and CIAM Expansion After the Charter of Athens” in Silva, Carlos Nunes (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Urban Planning in Africa (London/New York: Routledge, 2019), 177-192 (ISBN Hardback: 978-1138575431; ISBN eBook: 978-1351271844). View the chapter
Dainese, E., Nolan, G., Norwood, B., “Architecture Unbound”, e-flux Architecture Series, special issue, Theory’s Curriculum (2019) View the publication
Dainese Elisa, “Ghana” in Carughi U., Visone M. (eds.), Time Frames, Conservation Policies for Twentieth Century Architectural Heritage (London, UK: Routledge, 2017), 53-55 (ISBN Hardback: 978-1472489296, Ebook: 978-1472489302) View the publication
Dainese Elisa, “Investigating the African City: Rem Koolhaas, Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, and Others,” in Corser R., Haar S. (eds.), Shaping New Knowledges (NY: ACSA Press, 2016), 210-17 (ISBN: 978-1-944214-03-6)
Dainese Elisa, “Histories of Exchange: Indigenous South Africa in the South African Architectural Record and the Architectural Review” in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Special Issue on Global Postwar Architecture, vol.74 no.4, (Dec 2015): 443-463 (ISSN 0037-9808) View the pdf Abstract
Dainese Elisa, “Le Corbusier’s Proposal for the Capital of Ethiopia” in Torres Cueco J. (ed.), LC2015: Le Corbusier 50 Years Later (Valencia: UPV Press, 2015), 502-516 (ISBN: 978-84-9048-373-2)
Dainese Elisa, “Great Mosque of Djenné” in Smarthistory, August 9, 2015. View the webpage Abstract
Dainese Elisa, “A New Lesson from the Territory of Bandiagara, Mali: the Dogon Landscape Transformation of the Cliff” in Cavallo R., Komossa S., Marzot N., Berghauser Pont M., Kuijper J. (eds.), New Urban Configurations (Amsterdam: IOS – Delft University Press, 2015), 897-903 (ISBN: 978-1-61499-365-0) View the pdf Abstract
Dainese Elisa, “Principi Insiediativi Accrescitivi e ‘Architettura senza Architetti’ : Esempi Africani” in De Matteis M., Marin A., Nuove Qualità del Vivere in Periferia (Gorizia: Edicom Edizioni, 2013), 79-85 (ISBN: 978-88-96386-30-9) View the pdf
Dainese Elisa, “Le Corbusier, Marcel Griaule, and the Modern Movement: Exploring the Habitat from the Airplane” in Morello E., Piga E. A. B. (eds.), EAEA11 2013. Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication (Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2013), 413-418 (ISBN: 978-88-6812-136-5) View the pdf
Dainese Elisa, “The Concept of “Habitat”: the Cellular Design Reformulation of the Postwar Modern Movement” in Newman C., Nussaume Y., Pedroli B. (eds.), Landscape and Imagination. Towards a New Baseline for Education in a Changing World, (Florence: UNISCAPE, Bandecchi & Vivaldi, 2013), 51-54 (ISBN 978-88-8341-548-7) View the pdf
Dainese Elisa, “Learning from Africa: New Considerations on the Dogon Relationship with Landscape” in Albrecht B., Africa Sustainable Future, (Venezia, editore Università Iuav di Venezia, 2013), 30-43 (ISBN 978-8887697-933) View the pdf
Dainese Elisa, “Barriere Verdi: Infrastrutture Vegetali”, in Ferlenga A., Biraghi M., Albrecht B., Catalogo della Mostra Internazionale Triennale d’Architettura Milano, October 10th, 2012 – January 20th, 2013 (Bologna:Editrice Compositori, 2012), 329-31 (ISBN 978-88-7794-784-0) View the pdf